Somethings are going well though. The sat with the QT incident, I managed, through good solid poker to make it though. It was touch and go for a while with me running 20 out of 21, then 18 out of 18, but then two average stacks went for it and I scrapped though - 4000 fpp thank you very much.
Also the QQ hand with the KKK community cards is going well too. Currently on 8.3k in 50 out of 80 and there is 58 seats in the VIP monthly $100k freeroll.
I do actually think I'm an ok player. When I get busted out, most of the time, it's either making a move and running into a monster (earlier had to move in a Laddies tourney with T9s and ran into KK) or a beat as posted previously. OK the QQ one, I was lucky to hit trips, but I'm sticking by that KKK on the flop/turn/river is a real cooler.
Made it!
With blinds of 1.5k/3k and me on 1.4k in chips, I made it through to the $100k freeroll!
Not a totally bad night, overcame my bad beats and still qualified in the tourneys that they happened in.
Beat a Poker Bot in Online Poker
9 years ago
All's well that ends well :o)
All you can do is get your money in with the best hand and hope that lady luck smiles on you, law of averages says that you will win more than you lose in the long run!
Embrace the bad beats, the more you suffer the more you win in the long run :o)
I try to dust them of, but when I'm on a bad run, I take them hard. I don't carry them over to my next session, just at the time, I do find them hard sometimes.
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