Sunday, January 07, 2007

Right, no more miserable bastard from me. It's been grim the last few days so I'm not going to moan anymore. I don't like getting bad beats but moaning isn't going to help. I'll find the venting thread on Hattrick and post them there - that will do. I feel better after a moan about them so I have to do it somwhere and as the missus doesn't care, it's got to be the net.

Going to play some stt's to get my bankroll back up a bit. Yesterday

$5 stt's

2 x wins, 1 x 3rd, 1 x bubble, 1 x nothing

$10 stt

1 x 2nd


matt674 said...

I will take Jan 14th in the sweep for next time you moan on your blog!!


Graham said...

lol, not sure I lasted that long! I won't really count today as moaning, just mixed frustrations, mainly with my questionable play!

No more proper moaning....until the 17th at least :)