OK first example, it's early on in a 1000 fpp sat to the MC EPT.
Next, Playing quite well in a cash game, AA again. Matey boy is quite tight and I have him down as a solid player. I've put him on Kings or Queens in all honesty. Alas no, the mightly 9Ts and it cant' be shaken off by a pot raise preflop and then it's the perfect flop. This, I can see looking back is my fault. The reraise should have told me something was up but I just didn't have him on T9. I guess being PL it was too cheap to fold for him.
Anyway, it's still annoying.
Interestingly enough, just watching PNL and someone just folded AA on a Ten high board to a reraise. He was behind too to trip 6's - great fold.
I am a fish. I had him down as a decent player, and he showed strength in reraising so I should have twigged on. Even if it wasn't KK or QQ, could have been on trips already. Man, I am a fish.
Lost to another straight calling bets when he was betting on a draw and hit on the river. Unfortunatly, it also gave me my two pairs and I lost another $100 pot. Should have raised his bets.
I'm pretty annoyed at this as I was building my losses back up
Likes me
It's not really a liking me to the same extent, but I did hit wiht AK and beat pocket 5's and doubled up in the $35k gtd. If I win this, I'll forgive Stars! Would post hand but pokerhand is down again.
Another nice one. In BB and I've got ATs. Folded to small blind who moves in for 8k. I have 13k and think about it. I've called for two reasons - 1, it's more than likely a blind steal attempt as he's short stacked and 2, I don't have the worst hand in the world and I'm not exactly in contention yet myself - winning it would put me on above average chips. I call and manage to hit a flush, but my AT would have held anyway.
Came 123rd in the $10 rebuy tonight for $80ish, something like that anyway. Kinda helps with all the money I've donked off in cash games anyway. Doesn't make up for all my losses but I'm pleased to have made the money. In nearly 4 hours of play, I didn't have AA, KK or QQ once. Not even sure I had jacks, infact, the best starting hand I had was AK I think. Even my exit hand in this was a bit unlucky though, had to push with A5s for 10k(1.5k/3k blinds) called by K6 and the 6 hit. Still, pleased with making the money.
Beat a Poker Bot in Online Poker
9 years ago
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