Someone's been commenting in my blog and I haven't looked for a while!
Firstly, the last post wasn't really a moan so the 14th is still on ;) although I am keen not to moan properly.
I think I know most of the things I have moaned about are mostly my own fault, I just find it hard at the time to shrug it off. I don't carry the feelings over to my next session but if I run bad again, I do start to take it personally.
Thankfully, I may have reached my limit in the effects of beats and am hopefully concentrating on playing a decent game, although I do slip out of it now and again (like tonight when card dead) but I am aware that it's my fault when I do go out and it's not really playing on my mind (other than the fact that I can't believed I pushed with the cards I did!)
I'm going to continue to play cash games, probably back to limit and after I earn my Silver level for next month on Stars, I'm going to try and play $2/$4 to earn the $600 bonus available on Full Tilt. Not sure why I'm so keen to save Silver on Stars, probably because I have it now and it seemed like one hell of a goal for me only 5 months ago, now I can earn it in a week with some good sessions. Anyway, I like being Silver and want to keep it, although playing on FT for a bit, it may go next month.
I'm going to definately try and win some more satellites. I like the idea of not spending hard cash and winning something worth having. I'm hoping for a nice roll of fpp's and W$ coming up and hopefully will save my real $'s for other occasions and small tourneys.
Beat a Poker Bot in Online Poker
9 years ago
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