The new year started off ok. 3rd day and I'm a third of the way to retaining silver already and I have worked off the bonus requirement too!
I had made a slight profit for the games too, probably a couple of hundred up which I was well happy with.
Tonight started off badly with my KK preflop raise to $8 being called by A5 off suit and then I lost a buy in when he obviously called my bet on the 243 flop. I had grinded most back and got up to $140 on one table and $40 on the other. Then I lost the biggest pot I've ever lost
Shit, I've just bust out of the $5 rebuy to some wanker that had too many chips and liked his Jack Two Sooted to much.
A night of beats and annoyance. I'll be over it tomorow. Good job I got that $150 bonus because it's gone already!
Happy New Year.
edit: Two hands have gone my way. My $40 table was down to $20 and I hit trip 5's and got paid off, back to $40, then this hand paid off
I was pushing it with the flush draw and wasn't risking it again on the turn. When he raised on the river, I thought I'd blown it but thankfully he didn't have anything to worry about. I'm not so sure I played it that well though to be honest.
lol and the guy that's paid me off then has just done it again for another $20. Back up to $100. At least I can go to bed happier now!
Edit again: Pleased, really pleased. My last hand of the night and I get AA utg! I'm only hoping for a couple of dollars extra and would have been pleased if I just took the blinds really (it's been one of those nights!) but thankfully I got paid off again. I was pleased the guy with the big stack got out, I was a bit worried about losing all my cash to him and leaving with nothing but once he folded, I was still leaving with $60 minimum.
Anyway, finished the whole night only down about $50 from cash games, pretty bloody good considering. Shame about the losses though, I'd have been up about $300 otherwise! Not arguing though, it's been a great finish.
Beat a Poker Bot in Online Poker
9 years ago
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