Not sure where I'm going again with my poker. Last night I just missed qualifying for the WSOP $650 ME sat by about 3 spaces. Was pretty gutted to be honest but I only had 19k left and the blinds were 6k/12k and only4 goes from me being the BB so when I saw KQ, I shipped it in and was called and beaten by pocket 7's. In hindsight, I should have just waited and hoped that people folded when it was my bb but if they went up before they got to me, it was all over anyway. Getting to the $650 final is a my goal. Last night I'd have played it. They usually give loads of seats to the ME and I think it's a great opportunity. I'd like to say it's easy to qualify for that but it's not. In an ideal world, I'd qualify two or three times and cash in before having a bash, but I'm yet to make it.
Played a few more stt's but I'm getting bored with them. It's a slow slog building up a bankroll with these and the fold fold fold stratagy in early stages is doing my head in. Decided, at 11pm, to play in the $11 one rebuy/one add-on mtt on Stars and ended up coming 16th for $222. One event that's pissed all over my stt attempts to build a BR.
I think I'll stick with mtt's for now, I appreciate there's a lot less cashes in these but I sure as hell prefer playing them and when you do cash, it's well worth while. I was only 15 people from $5.5k last night! I may give a few stt's a go from time to time, but I think the main thing is that I avoid cash games and general giving my money away on Stars for now.
Oh, I made the Mansion promo again this week! 3rd week in a row and I'm determined to cash in it this week. Made my best finish of 180something last week after changing a few things but was pretty card dead all night. Hopefully this week, I'll get some hands and make it into the money.
Beat a Poker Bot in Online Poker
9 years ago
*Eppy leaves a footprint*
hello :)
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