Hungover. Not so good.
Went to Reading to watch the Premier League Darts with a few mates last night. To many beers for a work night for me and rolling in at 3am really didn't help. I couldn't get up until 9am, I was awake (I always wake up really early after a night on the beers) at 8am and couldn't get back to sleep, but felt so so ill.
Rolled in to work at 9:30 and forgot that someone was popping into see some plaques. Anyway, they came in at 9:45 which was nice. I can't have looked or smelt too bad as they ordered a few. Then I had a few more people in and all the time I'm just wanting to sit down and close my eyes!
No more due in now for a while so I'm in the clear for a bit, but I'm feeling a bit better now anyway, amazing what a couple of cups of tea and some toast can do for you.
Early night tonight, no 'updating Poker Tracker' later on, early night, must be an early night. I'm off to West Ham tomorrow for a thriller against Middlesborough. We usually go once or twice a season to West Ham. Someone Rich knows is a ticket holder and we get together for a day out, always a great day and it's good to see everyone that goes, but I need to be on top form.
Beat a Poker Bot in Online Poker
9 years ago
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