There are some right arseholes at the tables sometimes. OK, I'm saying this because I've just lost two big hands in a row - obviously there's a reason.
First one, I'm with KK on button. Position 3 raises to $3 (0.50/$1 NLHE) I reraise to $7. He calls. Flop comes 8 9 J. He checks so I fire $14 in to the pot and he reraises me to $34. Trying to think what he's got and I can't put him on TQ as he called the preflop raise, trips he'd have bet out because of the straight and Aces I'd have been reraise preflop, so I figure my Kings are good here so I reraise all in for $62ish and he calls. The turn sadly brings the ace that nails my coffin down. Now, I've taken to having a go at people recently who I think have played bad but I expected to see AJ or something and at least he had top pair but no, he had AQ. His defence - two overcards and a straight draw!! Wanker, gutshot straight and 1 overcard to me so he had 7 outs at best, clearly not a calling hand yet alone a reraise then calling all in!
Anyway, then wanker number two. Dealt pocket aces on a $2/$4 LHE table and obviously raise, one caller, flop A 3 5, I'm thinking I'm good as no 24 would call the raise surely! No no no, he did call the raise, but not only that, he took the cash then pissed off! Wanker number two only stayed for one hand on the table!
Quite honestly, the cash games on Mansion suck. I've scrapped by ok and thankfully the entry to the $100k for four nights makes up for a lot, but the player numbers on the site are so bad. I'm amazed I got a $2/$4 game, it's the first time there's been numbers there and even then they were only there for an hour or so. The 0.25/0/50 and 0.5/1.00 NLHE have a few players but that's it. The standard is generally pretty poor. I know I'm not really one to talk but there's always mugs that call and whilst that's ideal and what you want in the long term, to be honest, it's not what I want, they get lucky and I'd rather not deal with that amount of variation - it's going to be a long slog for me to get my losses back from tonight.
If I don't qualify for the $100k's this week, that's it for Mansion, I'd rather play on the sites I'm going to get at least rakeback from. In fact, I may just win the $100k this week and cash another couple of times and call it a day anyway :)
Beat a Poker Bot in Online Poker
9 years ago
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