Bad night again! I'm in one of those periods when you get a few bad beats at the moment. I couldn't shake off J4 in the $100k and he hit two pairs against my AQ on a Q high board, then I ran into KK with QQ, that was that tourney over. I spent a while in the $8 omaha tourney to lose all my chips to a draw that hit. I think that was probably my fault for commiting but mateyboy was pretty stacked and I'd have ended up folding to his bet on the draw if I didn't move in.
Spent about 3 hours in a double shootout only to get short stacked on the final table. Raise 4xBB with JJ, 2 callers, rag rag rag board and I move in and matey that called with 84 preflop hits his two pairs then in the $5 rebuy on Stars, I'm below average on about 5.5k and am dealt TT, raise preflop, flop 6 6 5, move in, 77 calls, turn 8 river 7 and I'm out. OK I could have lost to 66 here, can't see much else calling the preflop raise, 55 maybe. Just a bit unlucky perhaps.
Anyway, tonights good night of poker never happened and it's been shit again. I don't think I'm playing well though, need to sort it out, it's costing me a few quid at the moment. The game is there somewhere though, on Saturday just gone, I came 13th out of over 1000 runners in a mtt. Sadly only got $35 for my troubles, but 13th is pretty good. I really could do with making the most of these Mansion entries because the money in these really could change the level I play poker at. Must do better tomorrow night, must do.
Beat a Poker Bot in Online Poker
9 years ago
Tough love with the way you went out in the 5rebuy. still better then my -500 down swing.
can ya also ad (my personal blog ) yeah yeah I know it probly sucks too.
added :)
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