More entries for me into the Mansion $100k this week. I guess that either there's not much competition for the spaces or I actually play above average stakes these days without realising it. Can't see that really though so I'm going with the lack of numbers in the scheme. Sadly they've changed the times of the tourneys again so that they are now at 11am on Wednesday and Friday and 8pm on Thursday and Saturday. Why they have to stick us in ones when we should be at work I'll never know. They also included a bit of text in the confirmation email that any unregistering and taking the money would result in the money being withdrawn and a ban from further entries - so that's out the window too.
Managed to sneak the 11am one in yesterday as it was quite quiet and despite a few early interruptions from customers, I was left pretty much alone when it mattered and got 30th spot for a nice $450. I'm considering changing my live game date for now from Thursdays to Fridays so I don't miss out on one of the two the evening $100k's. Haven't played there much this week so it may not be a problem for much longer, although I will try for it again. My Mansion account is looking great, I've made a bloody good profit there (for me) So thank you Mansion for the opportunity, it's really appreciated :o)
Beat a Poker Bot in Online Poker
9 years ago
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