I'm a fan of posts on forums where people set themselves goals. It's interesting to see how people can start with $5 and end up with hundreds and once you've got a few hundred, sky's the limit.
I tend to just donk along. I'm doing ok, but I always hover between $40 and $300 in my Stars account. If I'm at the higher end, I'll play a few $50 mtt's and bring it back down, when I'm on $40 or so, I'll play tight ring games for a bit and try and build it up. I need to get some decent money in the account so I'm going to be disciplined and try and play good 0.25/0.50 NLHE ring games for a while. If I don't get off to a good start, I'm in trouble as I've only just over $130 in the account at the moment, but I'm comfortable at this level and will hopefully be ok. The aim is to try and get to $1000 playing nothing else on Stars. I'll probably two table for now and buy in for around $30 which will allow me another go if things go tits up.
When I say nothing else, I mean no other hard cash events. I'll still play the fpp mtts as I do ok out of them and I'm going to continue having a bash at WSOP qualification with my W$. What I really mean is that I'm not dipping into other cash tournaments :)
Beat a Poker Bot in Online Poker
9 years ago
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