The limit poker is going ok. I started out losing a bit for the first couple of sessions but last night I had an ok time. I did pretty good to start with but then lost what I made but then ended up a small amount for the session. The approach 'Tight is Right' is definitely correct, but I seem to have trouble sticking to it. I have trouble letting go of hands like KK despite there being an ace on the board - 'because it's only $2' to call. If I can stop this, I think I'll do ok in this. You do get clowns playing though. Last night one called a preflop raise from the BB with J3 off suit. He got damn lucky and hit a J33 flop and it was unfortunate for me that I had AJ suited and paid him off a bit. I guess it was only another dollar for him to call which is why he did.
Best hand of the night for me came with me holding AQ. Flop came AAA! Sweet! To make it even nicer, the turn and river both brought queens! Totally amazed and I got paid off a bit - Someone held TT and thought they were good and then thought I was blagging when I bet the flop, he called. Never had a hand like that before. If I can find it in my Poker Tracker, I'll post it later.
The LHE suits me more. I don't think I play any more hands than in NLHE but I spend less on them. I've lost my stake in one hand before in NL but in LHE, it doesn't happen and I like this. The pots tend not to be that much smaller either. The fixed bet at the start attracts a lot of callers which counters the big preflop raise in NLHE that chases off everyone. I just need to not lose focus and keep tight and I should be ok. Bankroll took a bit of a battering at first but hopefully it's undercontrol and will move upwards soon.
Oh and the rate you earn fpp's at is amazing. I must have earned about 400 points last night just playing two tables for a few hours. I've achieved my first goal of keeping silver status in 10 days, I may even make gold, although this isn't a target but if it happens it happens. I'm probably going to lay of the mtt's for a bit and concentrate in building my funds up.
Silver in 10 days, I can't believe it! The first deposit bonus I took advantage of with Stars took me about 3 months to work off. On the current rate, it would take me a day and a half! Can't wait for the next one which will hopefully be soon.
the hand
Beat a Poker Bot in Online Poker
9 years ago
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