I'm beginning to like limit poker. I always stayed away from it because I just gave my money away but after to many nervous moments playing NLHE cash games, I've moved back to limit and am learning to play it properly.
I've not been playing cash games for that long. I realised how quickly I could work a bonus off for Stars after a quick session and also realised that it was a good way to earn some money when your mtt's aren't bringing in enough and I haven't looked back since. I started on NLHE but time after time, I've lost my sit down money within a few hands and decided that I was fed up with it. You get nutters calling at every level but the number of hit and runners that you get on NLHE is annoying. Coming to the table with $20 on a $100 table and moving all in every hand then leaving once they'd doubled up takes the piss, so I moved to limit.
The things I like are that the pots are controlled. You don't tend to get huge pots, but then you don't often take the blinds and nothing else. It's also easy to get out of a pot fairly cheaply. The down side is the sick outdraws you can suffer. AA is still a good hand but if you can't get rid of Mr But It's Soooted, then you could be in trouble.
When I play tight and solid, I do ok. When I slip and make some iffy calls preflop, I don't. I need to concentrate more but sometimes I think I'll play an ok hand, hit bottom pair and call the bets.
I started out last week on $0.5/$1 tables but moved up to $1/$2 fairly quickly. Tonight I've been playing $2/$4 and I have to say, the game is not much different, if you play solid tight poker. I've lost a bit of cash but only in two hands, one I had AA and couldn't shake off 56s and the other KK and couldn't get rid of Q9! I played them ok I think but still lost. I'm still only really one pot away from being even.
I'm off to bonus whore in the next day or two which is the main reason I moved up a level.
Anyway, just really thinking out loud.
Also, my mtt game is hopefully back on track. Two cashes in the last two nights and I was going to make it a 3rd tonight, but I had to push with QQ and matey with AQ and too many chips called me and hit his ace and I went out about 7 from the money! Truth be told though, I didn't really concentrate on the tourney and had an eye on the footy, one on a cash game, another on the internet and also talking to the missus! By the time I realised I had to push, I was on 3k, average was around 6k!
Beat a Poker Bot in Online Poker
9 years ago
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