Had a good session last night. I finally had a look at Poker Tracker, found a page on twoplustwo that helps a bit in what to look for and WOW! I had a couple of massive areas in my game where I was losing money so I decided to have a quick go and try and sort it. I left the first table $80 up and then left the 2nd table $70 up! Not bad for an hours work even if I do say so myself!
I know partly down to the cards I was dealt some was down to the change, especially the first hand. I've found I'm far to passive preflop. In the first hand, there's one limper round to me and I raise to $4 with 76 off suit (yes I know this isn't the ideal hand to be aggressive with) Anyway, everyone else folds. Flop comes K high but has a 7 so I make a continuation bet of $5. MB calls. turn brings nothing special and I continue again with a $7 bet. MB calls. River brings another 7 but I'm feeling not so confident anymore and just check. Anyway, he checks too and loses with JJ. I know I was lucky, but I didn't think he played the jacks well.
Later my AA held against KK and I took a $120 pot which was nice too :) Nice for them to hold up for me. Lost the day before to an idiot pushing with K3. He was all in on the flop for his $11 on a board he'd missed. Turn and river both came with 3's! Wouldn't have minded so much but there was another person in the pot and he took about $40.
Can't seem to get my mtt game back in gear though. Only played a $5 donkathon rebuy yesterday but didn't do anything. Will have maybe another night off them and try again soon.
Anyway, good day yesterday, things are on the up again!
Beat a Poker Bot in Online Poker
9 years ago
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