Non event pretty much last night. I decided that I was only going to play the Poker Player Magazine freeroll, the V Points freeroll and the blonde/Virgin tourneys and that would be it. Well, it was uneventful in all of them despite a few bad beats so I tried a cheapy blonde Poker, again few beats and that was that.
Then I was a sucker for the $55 $25k on Stars at 10pm and managed to finish about 150thish but nothing special. I had so many mid pairs and didn't hit trips once it was annoying and I think this cost me really. Managed to get a nice stack, but then a few preflop raises with said pairs, couple of callers and two over cards on the board and I'm not in such good shape all of a sudden. Quite pleased with the play though, you can't win them all and I was in there with the top 20% anyway. On the plus side, I did win a seat to a $55 in a satellite crapshoot so I was only a few bucks down overall on Stars.
I'm quite pleased with the 'step up' to the $55's. I don't think it's out of my league and if I get a nice cash there, then I should be ok. There's a fair mix of players play them, I guess it's the higher end of the regular recreation players and perhaps the very bottom end of the better players but overall the standard is a lot better and makes for a better game. I do like the $22 with one rebuy and the add on too but it starts just an hour too early really for me, but the numbers in this is ideal - only attracts about 350ish but that's enough to build a nice prize pool, especially with the rebuy and add on.
Night off tonight, not sure I'll play much tomorrow, but Sunday I'm back and looking to take advantage of the weekend players.
Beat a Poker Bot in Online Poker
9 years ago
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