Feeling a bit sorry for myself over the last few days. I seem to be on another losing streak. No matter what I do, I will lose. I think it started Sunday and I haven't won a bean since then. This is a standard example I had played about 3 hands all night, so he must have know I have something better than a pair of crappy 8's but the luck isn't on my side. My last three tourneys I've been knocked out by callers to large raises with K8, A4o, A4s. The last one hurt most, it was a $30 DS sat to a $1050 final sat and was heads up against someone that was pretty weak. I called with my KK knowing he'd put the raise in which he obliged me with, then proceeded to flop the ace he needed. Doesn't matter what I go in with, I seem to lose - I lost 4 times with AA in the same tourney Sunday night, luckily all to shorties but you'd expect one to hold. My AK's miss against small pairs, my big pairs get outdrawn, I'm just a little fed up with it.
It's not Karma, it's bollocks.
Moan over, boring to read I know, but it feels better talking/typing about it. I'll keep plugging away and hope to hit something sooner or later. Scrub that, 7 times out of 10 I don't even need to hit, I just hope they don't!
Beat a Poker Bot in Online Poker
9 years ago
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