I've been watching some of Zpaceman's mtt's from Cardrunners today and I think I've learnt a few things from them. Played the $22 with one rebuy and one add on on Stars which I quite like as it only gets around 330 people playing and despite donking off my first 1500 chips, I managed to go quite well and made the money but in a more positive fashion. I was going really well at one point. I had a bit of a to do with Moorman who was to my immediate right for ages but I knocked him out with my pocket 9's against his ATs. I was glad to see the back of him to be honest, you don't really want to be on a table with Moorman, well, I don't anyway, but thankfully he was on my right.
Then I was moved to a table with 6 short stacks and 3 big stacks (myself included but the lower of the three) The other two were directly to my right and every time I entered a pot to steal, the big stack would call, then bet me off the pot if I didn't have anything. Eventually he bubbled after making some pretty aweful calls, but getting a bit unlucky too and I was moved to another table. Unfortunately, I tried to steal with A7s and ran into pocket 9's but I pretty much commited myself on the flop but my flush draw, over card and gutshot failed to hit and that was that. The bad news was that I just got my money back, $60 for first level of money, the good news was that I played to win, kept a level stack until Mr Playallmypots joined the table and played more positive in general - oh and it's another ITM for me.
I'm also down to the last 30 or so in the blonde $4k, but I could use some cards now. I've had aces four times and they've lost them all! One time, please hold!
Beat a Poker Bot in Online Poker
9 years ago
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