Disapointing night. Played a sat to the APAT event in Luton and also the Inside Edge freeroll to Luton funnily enough, but that was the GKUPT thingy. Anyway, was going well in both until I decided to call an all in with AK on the button in the APAT site and lost to KQ or KJ, something like that and went out in 23/4 - 15 seats and I was just 7 away. The IE one was going well too but I managed to bust out in about 40th. Then played a $2.5 mtt on Stars to vent off. This was quite fun and I managed to get really low, then really high and with 200 left, I was in the top 50, then I decided to call a small raise with 99 and push someone all in on a Q66 board but he had AA, then pushed the rest in for pot odds on a straight draw but it never happened. Also managed to spend a bit in a sat to the nightly $150k but failed to make a seat.
Lots of losses tonight. I'm a bit disapointed about the APAT one and also with the $2.5 one, I was so tempted to fold the 9's, I just had a feeling but when he bet small on the flop, I convinced myself he had missed and maybe had AT, AK, AJ - well I got one card right anyway.
On the plus side, I think I'm playing better at the moment, on the downside, my account don't really agree with me!
Onwards and upwards.
Took some more macros over the weekend. Took loads actually, but most were rubbish and I only ended up posting 3.
Beat a Poker Bot in Online Poker
9 years ago
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