Sunday, November 26, 2006

Quite a nice day really. I stayed up playing poker again whilst watching the first session of the Test match (not going well, I've finally conceded we've lost!). Anyway, it started off poor and I couldn't hit anything, my money went down and I topped up with another $20, then another $20 and I was looking at a $100 loss for the session. Fired up another table with $30 in the hope of playing agressive and getting something back on the new table. The original table started to do things for me and I also finished up a bit on the second table and at the end of things, I'm $40 up! Not a massive profit overall but considering I was nearly $100 down not that long ago it's fantastic! And I won the money back I lost last night this afternoon :) It's been a great day for me really. You wouldn't consider $40 up on this time yesterday a result really but it's fantastic!

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