Dear Diary,
I've been playing some tourneys again recently and have been getting oh so close to a nice cash, but not quite getting the cigar. The best was a couple of nights ago when I managed 6th in a deepstack tourney on Poker Trillion. At the same time, I managed to get knocked out of two other comps when I was in a decent position, the most annoying being 4th in chips in a Laddies $25 event in 14th. The other guy managed to hit 4 spades to make a flush and beat my trip 8's. The good side of course is that I'm playing ok and when I go out, it's generally to a bad beat or just unluckyness - the 6th in the Trillion comp was pushing 7's into Jacks - it's stuff like that, but actually making the FT and cashing for over 200 Euros was nice for me.
Cash games are up and down. I'm back on NL50 for now and I was down tonight but thankfully I have a crazy Dutchman at my table and he's turned my losses into a small profit. He's only played 55 hands and is running at VPIP of 83 & PFR of 55, he's currently down $197 in those 55 hands!! In contrast to that, I have a guy on another table who is running at VPIP of 8, PFR 1 and he's also down but only by $10.
I really need to call it a night, but I don't want to leave Crazy Dutchman to the other people, I'm sure there's more to come for me if I get a hand. LOL as I write, someone with a PFR of 3 has just raised, he's put them all in. Clearly they have aces and he has the mighty KQo. How can I leave now?
Beat a Poker Bot in Online Poker
9 years ago
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