Just donked off two buy in's to some LAG player that just owned me for an hour. I was playing ok, but then I 3 bet him with QQ and he called with A5, obv 2 aces came on the flop but I couldn't believe he'd call with an ace so paid him off. Later after he'd be consistently raising my blinds and 3 betting lots of other PFR's, with 99 on a 7 high board, I refused to believe I was behind and paid him off again with his QQ.
Things like this really let my game down. My main profits in poker come from mtt's but I was hoping for an alternative, more regular profit from cash games, but I do wonder if I'm cut out for it sometimes. Maybe it's just because I had a bad nights sleep, who knows.
I'm going to treat myself though. I've enough Stars points for about £450 at Amazon, plus I have Rpoints and CashbackKings points for another few hundred so I'm going to order a PS3 early next week then a HD tele in August. I may have to fork out £100 in real cash or so, but it's still good and will make my efforts seem a bit more worth while.
Beat a Poker Bot in Online Poker
9 years ago
1 comment:
I let myself down in spots like tht too and it puts me on life tilt!
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