Where to start! I've been quite busy poker wise recently. I have a cash game mentor who has kindly offered me some of his time and expertise too hopefully improve my game. I'm at best a break even cash game player so I'm looking forward to it. I've had one session so far and I always thought I was 'ok', but it's clear I'm missing out on lots of opportunities so I need to work on things. I won't mention his name in case he doesn't want to be named, but it really is a privilege to be offered the chance as he's a good cash game pro player. I've a bit of homework to do before our next session but hopefully I'll sort that out soon!
Went to the Western on Thursday last week and managed another cash, 6th, for just under £80 which paid for some bits at the APAT event at the weekend. Nice to make the FT as at one point I was down to 1 big blind but still managed a comeback. Never got going at the APAT event or the Chezger event the night before, but what a laugh the weekend was.
Came back a day early than originally planned and played some tourneys last night. Managed to cash in both the early doubles even if it was only small amounts but also got a $9 bonus LOL! Thought I was playing well so entered the $9.5k HH tourney, a $5 mtt and also the early doubles again and did nothing in the $9.5k but made the FT in the $5 and also came 39thish in one of the early doubles. Always the cheapies that I do well in for some reason, but still pleased with things even if it didn't make me rich. I also came 2nd in one of the crypto HH comps for $199 and made about $50 in scalps so that was a nice profit for the day. Was so close to winning that too when matey pushed with J8 and I called with 7's but the jack came on the turn and I was very short after that. Two final tables and a profit for the night so no complaints really.
Beat a Poker Bot in Online Poker
9 years ago
1 comment:
The crypto tournies, especially the HH, seem uber soft. My problem is I seem to try outplay the donkies and get myself in all sorts of trouble!
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