For one week only, I'm back on the cash! I know, it's not good, but Stars have the 2xFPP scheme on at the moment and if I can make Gold, I can do something nice with my points. I have over 50k of them but everything nice you can get you either need to be silver or for the better stuff, gold. I started off ok but managed to lose $40 by the end of my first session. Then last night, I played again and was going great until I managed to try a move on someone and they clearly didn't respect it and called and reraised me. I obviously gave him too much respect and thought my bottom pair was good but his top pair was good and I lost $20. In my defense, the line I sold him was that the board paired with 4's and I played it like I had one (called flop bet, then c/r the turn when the other 4 appeared) then lead on the river, but he clearly wasn't having any of it. My moves are obviously too sophisticated for the average NL50 player ;) Later on I was in the big blind with JT and it folded to the small blind who raised. He's raised me numerous times like this so I flat called. Flop came J high and he lead out for $2, I reraise to $5 and he shoved. I obviously called, but he had the aces and that was that, another $35 gone and with it my profit for the day.
So my new plan is to play really really tight and conservative. I'll make a profit like this, but I just need to respect raises a bit more. I'm going to crack on with 9 tabling later on but as I've almost busted my Stars account, I'm going to have to buy in on the cheap. I'm going to stick with full ring though so it's not the end of the world.
366 points so far, I could do with around 1,00 by the end of the day.
Beat a Poker Bot in Online Poker
9 years ago
1 comment:
I honestly think nobody thinks about what their opponent holds until NL100 and above. I was playing the lowly NL20 games last night as the way I played a hand looked like 2 pairs at the very least but the fish called me with 3rd pair, the donk!
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