I normally try and get to the Western on a Thursday to play the double chance, but with the Stars promo, I had it in my mind that I'd just stay in and play online. I was back ok mentally after the knocks on Wednesday, after all, I wasn't that much down, but I still thought that getting out may be a better idea and thought I'd finally get myself up to Luton and play the £50 comp. Things didn't start off great, but not bad either, I'd hardly played a hand going into the third level, but with a 30 min clock and 5k in chips, it was nothing compared to the Westerns fast structure. I'm not sure why I did it but I completed from the small blind with Q2o for an extra 100 - there were 4 in the pot and I was more bored from folding I guess, so I limped in. The flop came Q 6 Q which I was quite pleased with. Check from me, check from the BB, the other two checked and a suited card to the board came on the turn so I've lead out for 600. The BB calls, the others fold. Ace on the river and I'm pretty happy now. The BB must have played about 90% of hands and has been calling/betting on draws so I'm still feeling good so am ready to check raise. He duly obliges and bets 800 and I make it 2.5k more. After a short think he calls with 6's and scoops the pot. I was gutted to be honest and only had 550 left and the break was less than 10 mins away. I folded for a while then the blinds passed me and I know I should have chucked them in without looking, but I didn't for some reason. Down to 250 and two minutes to the break and I stick them in with A2. Get a treble up, then stick them in again with T9 and get another treble up. A couple more shoves before the break and I'm back to where I was pretty much with just under 4k. After the break, I continue to be busy but get no opposition and manage to take plenty of uncontested pots. Eventually I'm back in decent shape, then we break for the final table. I didn't make the FT in great shape, but neither was I the shorty. There was a clear chip leader who had most of the chips in play, but I was feeling good. At the bubble with 6 left it was suggested a saver for 6th was sorted which to be honest, I'm usually happy to do. The bubble didn't take too long, 5th went, 4th went and we're down to 3, with me 2nd in chips, but a long way behind. There was 165,000 in play, and I guess between me and 3rd, we had maybe 35k between us. I thought I was going to knock third out when on a T 3 T flop holding 7's I lead out for 4k, the shove came. I had a feeling I was ahead and obviously called and she showed Q3, but the queen came on the river and I was now the shorty. Couple of hands later, the worst thing for me came, the chip leader knocked out the lady in 3rd so now he had about 150k of the chips. Heads Up didn't last too long, I called with A2 against his J9s but he hit a flush.
Certainly no complaints about it and I was pleased with my game. Despite the Q hand early on, I think I played pretty good and made some nice plays on the final table that got me a few nice pots. Also, it was my biggest live cash so far at £410 which is pretty decent.
Nice crowd at Luton, certainly a friendly place and the guy that won was a nice chap too. Would like to go back, but I'd like the M1 fixed first!
Beat a Poker Bot in Online Poker
9 years ago
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