I'm again finding myself on the brink of tilt. I'd done exceedingly well and built up some nice profits. I've had one nervy handd that I got away with and 5 big loss hands that I'm really not sure what I could do about.
Firstly, I'm only buying in for $30. I don't have enough to multitable at the full buy in. I know it's not good value, but the way I'm running, it's saving me money!
These are in the order they happened so you can maybe feel my tilt building.
First - AK on the BB, auto 3 bet?. Trouble is that the raiser to me has but $10. I bet $6 with the view that it's more than likely all going in preflop - I lose, fair enough, I didn't hit, he had a medium pair and hit trips anyway.
Second - Lost my small buy in here. I guess I should have folded to the 4 bet - my mistake. I've learned that the 4 bet is strong so will respect it from now on.
Third - Queens again - joy, another small buy in gone when I run into kings
Fourth - I put goldberg2 on the flush draw which is why I raised. I'd have thought common sense would say that if there's a bet, then a raise, then perhaps the flush draw isn't great. When the turn made a flush possible, I'm awkwardly out of position - what do I do here? If I check, I have to fold to a bet (obv the option) but I didn't expect him to call a reraise on a flush draw and another buy in is down the swanny.
Fifth - What can you do here? I knew I was ahead, but he's still called of all his stack on the flush draw which he's duly hit. Obv I'm not folding for his last $2 when $30 is in the middle. Hmm, actually that one is only half a buy in for me. I didn't realise until now.
Anyway, I've decided that it's a good time to take a break as I'm on the verge of smashing my keyboard at the moment.
Stats so far.
Hands played - 3067 (fk me! in 1 day - I average that a month usually!)
Profit/Loss - [color=#FF0000]-52.95[/color]
BB/100 - [color=#FF0000]-1.73[/color]
Points Earned - 1030.
Actually, the profit and loss is a real bitch. I'm only down $9.35 for the day, if it weren't for my hands above, I'd be well up. In an ironic lolable twist to the problems above, I've had Aces 11 times today and am only up $29 from them - seems every time I raise with them, everyone just folds :roll:
OK, chin up, I'm only down $9 on the day, I've had worse and I'm nearly at silver.
Beat a Poker Bot in Online Poker
9 years ago
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