Part 1
Arrgggh, Sundays are hard. I'm used to losing in tournaments on a Sunday, so to grind the cash is a change for me, but man are they hard! I 'should' be quite a bit up, but there's too many donks. Well, I keep calling the donk bets. For example, I raise preflop with AJs and hit two pair on a double suited flop. The donk caller leads out for a min bet of 50c. Clearly I repop him to about $3 and he calls. The turn brings a card that fails to complete any draws and donk checks. I bet about the pot at $9 and he flat calls. The river duly completes the flush and the donk leads out for $5. The pot's standing around $30, so I'm feeling like I can't fold my top two pair, but lose to the flush and the cards he's holding? 94s. This has happened a couple of times.
I've also had a pot taken away from me with which I'm obviously a bit miffed about, but generally if I call here, I'm 90% of the time behind I think.
I also think I played this bad I only lead out of the river because I clearly wasn't going to win the hand by not betting. I was a little surprised with his calling range here, obviously not concerned about the ace, the flush, the straight or the paired board, but hey, I lost, no complaints really.
It's not all been that bad, I got lucky with Kings against Aces The thing that's most laughable is that I actually thought he had Aces due to the stupid preflop betting he seems intent on doing, but when I trip up, I'm obviously going nowhere. Had he shoved earlier, I'd have folded.
This is my hand of the session though, lovely quads again and paid off by a monster.
I had a sneaky session last night where I notched up another 300ish points and made less than a dollar.
I was 9 tabling for an hour or so, but the wheels came off towards the end and now I'm back to not having enough in the account to do that so when I hit the tables again in 5 mins or so, it's back to 6.
Stats for today
Hands - 1830
Profit/Loss - $3.25
bb/100 - 0.18
Points - 712 (currently on 2940 for the month)
9 tabling I made 636 points in an hour. Perhaps I should bung in another $100 in my account and go for the 9 again - two hours and I could be Gold!!
I did it :shock: I'm bloody knackered and I expect I'll have a bad day at work later on, but I made Gold on Stars for the first time ever.
Not only that but I pretty much hit all my hands in the latest session.
Few hands of note.
I gave this guy a bit of a rubdown for his play here. Not sure why I did, but calling with 52o was sick. I don't usually talk at the tables, but he'd wound me up in a few previous hands and was always raising me and he had filth that got lucky a few times.
This was a nice hand, goes to show patience pays off.
I'm so guilty of this and it's a part of my game I'm trying to get rid of, easy to see why when you are on the profitable end of it. In fact, here's where I am guilty of it.
And finally, this was ironically the hand that gave me the 4000thish points
Final Stats (todays in brackets)
Hands played 10640 (4656)
Profit/Loss 135.45 (219.50)
bb/100 1.27 (4.73)
Points earned 4032 (1804)
So over 4k in hands for me today!! Glad to have shown a profit overall for it.
Should I go for Platinum if they do the double points for ring games again? Not sure about that
Beat a Poker Bot in Online Poker
9 years ago
Nice going Graham
Do you 9 table on a standard set up or do you have the dual monitors and the like?
It was a normal 19" monitor. I can only do it on Stars though as their tables go quite small. I guess it would work on FT too.
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