Haven't played much cash recently, but I've hit the mtt's big time as the Mrs and Daughter are away for a few days. I seem to be playing well but never quite make it and it's always a donkey call that seems to ruin me. Made a few small cashes yesterday for about $170 profit and was going great today in the $80k on Stars until I made a call with AJ against a shover who had 69o and hit two sixes, then a couple of hands later I'm dealt AK, shove against a raiser and it all goes wrong. At the same time, I'm deep in a crappy $5 tourney and having lost a huge pot with KK against AQ for pretty much the chip lead, I'm in bad shape, but make a few good moves here and there and am building up slowly when this happens. A7! I always look at OPR for these things an it's obvious why these donkeys are making such little money, but it's damn annoying when it's stopping me from trying to move up. I'm so much better than this crappy level but it's a catch 22. I even knocked out of the $10 rebuy on iPoker with AQ v AJ deciding to be a hero and despite hitting a queen, he hits a flush and I'm out in 22nd or something like that.
I'm making plenty of cashes at the moment, but can't nail that one win that will move me up to the next level.
On the plus side, I'm enjoying going deep and have been playing my 'A' game for a while now.
Beat a Poker Bot in Online Poker
9 years ago
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