It's been troubling times recently. After my last session with Alex, we discussed me opening my raising range more and playing less nit like so I gave it a go and managed to lose 5 buy in's over the next two sessions. I was feeling pretty bad about it and worried about losing the money so I did what all good poker players (sic) do and went for a spin up at NL200. I figured that as I'm constantly being called with crap and losing at NL50, NL200 would see a better game.
Quickly managed to lose another $300ish between Blonde and Stars and was feeling even worse about playing cash. On top of this, my mtt results, whilst not being outstanding and making me lots of money, were quite consistent and I was at least making the money, just not getting a decent return. This made me almost quit cash but after a couple more tourneys where I basically got my buy in back but came close to a nice score, I turned back to NL50 and decided to concentrate more.
Since opening up my raising range, my post flop game has gone to shit. Preflop, I think I've always been pretty ok and now I think I'm slightly better, but post flop I do struggle sometimes and get sucked in for draws, or convince myself that 'he can't have it'. Tonight only saw one such example where the button made his usual attempt to steal. I was in the SB with AT and decided to 3 bet him, he called and the flop came 7 A 5 rainbow. I bet the pot ($11) and he called. A 4 came on the turn and I shoved for my last $32ish and he made the call with 54, his two pair were good. Now, I know it was a fishy call from him preflop and on the flop, but I wonder if 3 betting here was right or after I was called on the flop, I should have slowed down. It was a steal though, I knew he didn't have it!
Since my comeback at NL50, I had a small profit session, then lost it in my next session, had a very small loss the next time, but for the last 3 sessions, all today funnily enough, I'm up about $110 so I'm quite pleased with the way I'm heading again. Hopefully I'll be able to sort my post flop game out and save myself a fortune! I don't mind not winning loads, but I hate playing like an idiot and giving it away.
I'm currently about $200 down for the month (excluding Stars cash which is down about $100 too) but I should get about $100 in rakeback and hopefully I'll continue to improve the bankroll too. I may just about get myself out of trouble!
Talking of Stars. I made Step 4 for the WCOOP qualifiers and annoyingly came 4th but that was good for $210 and I also have another step 4 ticket to use which I guess I'll do at the weekend, but that cash of $210 really helped as I was getting very worried about my Stars roll. I may also make Silver again this month somehow. I've hardly played there, certainly not cash I don't think, but I've only about 70 points to go so I may as well knock those off - the step 4 will do that by itself.
Been a funny old month so far.
Beat a Poker Bot in Online Poker
9 years ago
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