I'm quitting cash games. After two too many bad beats, I'm calling it a day on cash games as I just can't handle them any more. I'm so close to going on a major tilt at the moment I have to stop whilst I've got some money left. I'm down loads (for me) for the month and have never had anything close to it so I'm not doing it any more. I tried to get my head around it tonight and start fresh and positive, but I managed to run my kings into Q2, my aces into jacks and my AK into A9 and thought that was enough.
All my previous decent winnings have come from tourneys so I'm going to concentrate on them. I may have a bash at sit and go's from time to time as I've done ok in them in the past and 9 tabling on Stars is great fun!
Beat a Poker Bot in Online Poker
9 years ago
Sounds harsh Graham. Get back to what you know best and get some confidence back in your game.
Cash has been horrible for me these past few months and I'm thinking of dropping them like you.
My results in SnG and MTT's are pretty shite but I enjoy them and at the end of the day I might as well play something I enjoy rather than looking at just the money.
tbf graham, cash is great when u can are minted and can play with absolute confidence and with the knowledge that losing means the same as burning ur cash only its more fun...then u will win...cash poker is a game of confidence but 99% of cash players play to make insta profit and are worrying bout losing, then go onto lose there roll and tilt there life away....enjoy ur s n g's.....and gl.
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