I'm not quite sure on the areas of improvement to make on my game. I think the whole thing needs a restructure to be honest. I qualified again for the $80k on Stars and was going ok, even if a bit off average when it folded to the small blind with me in the big blind. He shoved for 2kish and I made the call with KJo. I just assumed he had rubbish when in fact he had 5's but thankfully a king came and saved my bacon. The call was a bit loose, but I got lucky. Later, I was in the BB with AQs and this hand happened. I can't begin to explain why I played it like this, it's just all wrong and it cost me my tourney.
I've been trying to build up my £50 into £300 so when I go to DTD next month if I get busted out of the team comp I can play the 3-2-1 but I managed to suffer a few bad beats and it's not looking great for that.
Beat a Poker Bot in Online Poker
9 years ago
oh graham....this hand...((BB with AQs and this hand )).....a donkey raises with ace rag trash and u flat, tbf i thought ur play was fine, there is no way u can put him on a six and only a complete twat wud reraise all in with the nuts, consider urself v v ulucky mate.
Really? Was it not worth raising with the AQ? Even if the donkey calls, the A6 guy should fold.
We'll get there....one day.
Hi m8, yeah AQ always worth a raise, but depending on circumstances u gotta consider folding to a reraise...unless u know for def hes floating, u call a re-raise with either aq or ak and what do think ur beating....imo, u raise and fold to a reraise if ur strong or shove if ur weak....??....there are obv exceptions to this, ie: table dynamics etc....
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