Another disapointing night of mtt's. I only played three though and they were all cheap, in fact one was sort of a freeroll with rake (0+$2.50 sat to GUKPT) In the Party one, totally card dead all the way through and eventually with the blinds at 100/200 I pick up pocket 3's - I kid you not, it was the best pocket paid I'd had all game. Anyway, folds to me so I push for 1600, one caller on the button but the BB pushes for his last 6k. Button folds and I lose out to ATo! Talk about no respect for my tight game thus far. Anyway, not bothered as it was very boring and even doubling up there would have left me miles behind. The most annoying was the GUKPT sat qualifier. $10 rebuy and I managed to finish 5th with 3 seats to the next level and $85 for 4th! Pushed with KQ from the SB and the BB had QQ. It's just a shame that everyone folded to me the one time I had aces in the big blind, but I was gutted to bubble after two and a half hours, just so annoying. Even 4th is only $20 shy of the seat in the next level anyway, I'd have bought in if I'd made the money.
It's not another doom and gloom thread, this morning I sort of decided that I'll try cash again. I left my pc on mining FT last night and looked at some stuff quickly this morning. Some guy had lost about $90 in about 22 hands, one of which he called a $9 raise preflop (at only 0.25/0.50) with 76o and lost about $40 to someone with pocket jacks! The biggest losers of the night were just crazy hands playing muck and the big winners went to decent hands where they were played well. Arrived at work and thought I'd fire up Stars to try and catch the last of the US evening traffic. 5 hands in to the session and I receive AK on the button. Someone raised so I just flat called, Ace on the flop, bet, bet etc, king on the river and I reraise him all in and smash his AJ (who hit two pair too) and double up. Few more hands later and I pick up another small pot after losing a couple of small ones and I finish up a whole buy in of $50.
$50 profit in about 20 mins. OK I got lucky, I appreciate it's not always going to be like this, but hell, it's a damn site better than I've been running.
Back to cash it is. Hopefully this time I can stick with it for a while - I'm such a sucker for changing games quickly.
Cash games for earning the bankroll, mtt's for satellites to live events
Cash games for earning the bankroll, mtt's for satellites to live events
Cash games for earning the bankroll, mtt's for satellites to live events
Cash games for earning the bankroll, mtt's for satellites to live events................
Beat a Poker Bot in Online Poker
9 years ago
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