It's been a long time, but then there's been nothing to say to be honest. I'm cutting out moaning, hence my absense for the last month, times have been hard. I've had a reload on my staking scheme and I'm not a million miles away from asking for another. Not sure how deep I'm allowed to get, but I think I'd sack me in all honestly - the cashes simply haven't been coming and I'm feeling a bit bad about it, but I can't buy myself out even if I wanted to so I'll keep trying. I've even failed to make the rake requirement so far. Feb, I thought I was there but apparently wasn't. It must have been damn close though and March, I just haven't, but I did warn the StableOwner at the start of the month. Wouldn't be so bad if I was winning. I can manage to get deep, but fail when it matters. I'll work on it and something will come up hopefully before I run out of money again. I'm still enjoying playing though!
I did manage to win the blonde/celeb league recently for a few quid though. Out of 4 league games, I won 2 and came 2nd in one. Shame they were poorly attended with about 13 people in each, but that's good for me as I scooped a bit of money for each win (50 euros) and £350 for winning the league - the money is appreciated at the moment as that's pretty much all I have in my bankroll. The general standard of the blonde events is quite a bit higher than the average donkathon so it always feels good to do well in them.
APAT Cardiff this weekend and I'm really looking forward to it.
Beat a Poker Bot in Online Poker
9 years ago
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