Another miserable Sunday. Started out ok, found that I only had $7 in my Tilt account so decided to have a go at qualifying for the Double Deuce, which I made. Ran ok in that till the 100/200 level when UTG raises for 5x, the small blind called and I'm with QQ in the big blind. I'm thinking that 5x is more than likely a small pair, poss AK at best, but AK tends to shove more than 5x. I shove and am up against AT (Mr 5x) and A4 calls also. Ace on the flop said my goodbyes for me in that one.
Was kindly staked in the Low $109 SCOOP ME on Stars and was quiet for the first hour. At the end of the 2nd hour I doubled up with AQ against some others, and then AA helped. Ended the 2nd hour on 25k and in good shape. First hand after the break and this happens and I'm out. Not sure what to say about it really. Can't be expecting 53 to call, then flop the perfect flop surely? Must be nice to be up against me cos you just know you are going to hit.
I think I'll get out and play some live poker this week, need to get away from this bloody annoyance.
Beat a Poker Bot in Online Poker
9 years ago
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