More fails tonight. In the blonde $35k, for once I was running ok and had built a nice stack of 14k when I was dealt JJ in a hand with some action. EP limps from a massive 40k stack for 300, then there's a raise to 1500, then it's me. I decided to shove and am called by AQ, and the Q comes. That put me down to 3.5k but I manage a double up before getting a hand and running KK into AA. On Tilt, I did the same, KK into AA then shoved with AQ and was called by A9, cue the 9. Surely it has to be my turn one day?
Trying to work out what I can rake on blonde and it's not looking good for over $100. There's only the 7:30pm $10 comp and the 8:30pm $10 rebuy that start at a reasonable time. There's a couple of $5 games, but I'm trying to avoid them. So that's only $2 per day in rake. I can't do the 10pm one's every day, I just can't handle the late nights all the time. Perhaps once or twice per week would be ok, but more than that and I'm done for the next day. Need to think about this one.
Beat a Poker Bot in Online Poker
9 years ago
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