Started day two in reasonable shape, 34k, just over average, but the blinds of 600/1200 with 100 ante soon started to take their toll. Not much happened for a while for me. I managed to pick up a couple of small pots. Lost a small bit trying to get the blinds a couple of times, a lady who was in a Ladbrokes shirt either had my number or was just defending her blinds when I was after them. Anyway, she cost me about 5k which was quite painful early on. Knocked out a a short stack with AQ against his A8 which was a nice pot for me, then later on I raised from EP with AKs and faced another shorter stacks all in. If I passed then I'd have been in trouble myself but winning would have moved me back to average so I called and thankfully hit a K on the river to beat his QQ. Mad Marty then joined our table to a welcome of "Hi, I'm Mad Marty and I'm here to get all your chips". Quite a character, but I wasn't there for long before I was moved to Micky Wernock and Jeff Kimbers table.
Nothing went well for me here for ages. I had AJ in the BB but Leo Kam obviously had to raise the pot and I cowardly passed as I'd have had to move all in. He did it again when I held AQ, but I decided again to pass. Weak? Perhaps but I just don't know where I am. Finally I picked up AQ UTG+1 and raised to 12k (blinds 2k/4k 300 ante) and picked up the pot. A chip big stack raised later on and in the SB I had 77 so I pushed and was gutted to see him flip over 88, but thankfully a 7 on the flop let me sit back down again. Back up to 40kish but still needed a double up to be average and I thought it was coming when I completed the small blind with 76. There had been 3 limpers. The flop came 567 (2 diamonds) Top two, ok danagerous board but I had outs too I guess. Out of position, I bet 15k into the pot. All fold to the Big Stack who moved all in.
The worrying thing thinking back, is that I instacalled. OK, folding would have left me in trouble, but I didn't think to consider what he might have. I thought I was ahead when the flop came and didn't stop to consider other options. I went from being elated that I was about to get back in the game big time to gutted when he fliped pocket 6's. The 4 on the turn gave me a small hope of the straight, but there was no further help and I was out in about 42nd.
Overall, I'm quite pleased with things. My goal was to make the second day, which I obviously did, but having come so close to the money, I'm pretty gutted at the moment.
Back to the hotel who have a dodgy 'entertainer', typical old persons type entertainment so I've got IACGMOOH to drown out the wails and am going to take down the iPoker 6k and a $20 omaha tourney on Stars.
Thanks to blonde and Virgin for the opportunity to play in this GUKPT leg, it's been a great experience and I've really enjoyed it and it definately something I want to be playing more off. I was hoping to win that seat to the Grand Final, but I guess I'm going to have to qualify online now ;)
Beat a Poker Bot in Online Poker
9 years ago
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