After the 2:30am finish on Tuesday, I couldn't face another late one last night so wasn't going to play. But the footy was on so I was alone with the tele and my lappy and the 8:10pm $5 freezeout was just perfect timing and it seemed rude not to have look at least. To cut a long story short I did ok in this too, although not quite the final, but still made 32nd - good for another $30 to the make up. Go me I know, but any money coming in is better than no money!
Anyway, my point. I've been thinking about two fairly similar hands that have occured in the two tourneys. On the FT of the $25k, we're down to 9. Play has been painfully tight on the final. We've been at it for about 35 minutes, maybe more, and only lost one. Blind steals have come in position and no one has been out of line. Blinds are 10k/20k/ante and I'm on 270k. UTG+2 raises 5x to 100k on my big blind. I have AJ sooted and made what I thought was a standard pass.
Last night, blinds are 2.5k/5k/antes (just at this level so it was a big leap) and I've 45k. Again in the big blind holding JJ. We're down to 32 (see where we're going??) and UTG+2 raises to 25k. He's got me covered. Again, a big raise. Is JJ a fold here or good enough to shove? He's not folding for what we have left. The range to 5x from EP has to be pretty tight doesn't it?
Can't play tonight, need to get up at 5:45am so going to get an early night in hopefully.
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