Started on the new scheme to build my fortune and take the poker world by storm last night but sadly it wasn't as exciting as I had first hoped. It was a couple of hours before my cheap rebuys were due to start and just about to start was the $10 rebuy to the nightly $162 comp - easy eh! Well, there were 22 spots available and the bottom line is that I came 26th! I ended up all in on my BB with 72o and if that wasn't bad enough, I had hit two pair on the cards but someone hit trip 5's and that was that. Not really sure I could have done much more about the tourney but the main error was spending 1/4 of my current Stars roll on a tourney. Thankfully I made the grade in one of my usual events later on and made a slight profit for the day, albeit a small one.
On another site I'm playing, I managed to qualify for three nice tourneys this week. They run a promo where the highest rakers in the previous week get entry to two $100 events and a $50 rebuy, although it's only the initial buy in paid for this. Somehow I qualified last week and made $100 playing 50NL. The first event is tonight so a cash would be nice. I did this before back in April/May time and managed to get around $1000 from the whole experience so I'd be pleased if I could do the same again this time. Played some more 50NL there last night to try and qualify for next week. I only sit down with $30 and really only play premium hands, literally, the top hands, and I still managed to get around $60 for my troubles. I think I played about 4 hands last night starting with AJs from the BB. I'd blinded down from my $30 to $25 and was dealt the AJ. UTG+2 raised to $1.50 and it all folded to him so I called for the extra buck, two spades for the flush draw and an ace on the board saw me crack his pocket kings and take about $25 for my troubles. Next hand I have pocket aces in the CO. Crazy loose man raises UTG to $2.5 (standard from him), Someone else raises to $6.50 so I just repop to $20. I'd have been happy to take the cash here but crazy loose man pushes for all my stack, matey that raised to $6.5 folds and I obviously make the call and thankfully take the pot as his AQo are no match! Clearly he'd not been watching me fold fold fold for about an hour. I also took a couple smaller pots and called it a night when the satellite I was playing finished.
This promo is great for me and I know that buying in short isn't recommended but to be honest, I don't care. The main aim for me is to qualify for the following weeks tourneys and I play when I'm playing other tourneys so it works out nice enough.
Beat a Poker Bot in Online Poker
9 years ago
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