Just give me a break!!!
Made the final table of the Blue Sq event tonight but was so card dead it was unbelievable. It didn't help having the chip leader immediately to my left who had a habit of calling raises and raising calls. When I finally decide I have to make a stand, it folds to me on the button with 76 but the BB had AK and I'm out in 7th. It's just annoying watching people go in massive underdogs and lucking out when I can't even get decent hole cards, yet alone luck out. The one time I do, I run into a monster.
Also dropped $100 playing cash. KK v AA for most of it but 99 v 87s for the rest. Matey just couldn't fold middle pair no kicker on the flop and when he hit trips on the river, I of course paid him off. I hate cash games. If it weren't for the promo, I wouldn't bother.
Right Blue bloody Square. I'm still leading the league and thee's two events to go. I'm going to be so pissed off if I lose out. Doesn't help that there's still 3 people at the table I could have done with finishing above. Now my lead will be cut again.
Beat a Poker Bot in Online Poker
9 years ago
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