I'm not one to shy away from moaning, but I've not played much since my last post, hence the quietness! Actually, I've sort of given up moaning - a late New Years resolution. There's little point, it does make me feel better, but it's piss boring and it doesnt' stop the bad beats happening. Volume is the key, but that's a struggle at the moment.
I did play a few on Sunday but nothing decent to report other than some dude not being impressed that my shortstack shove with 87 soooted beat his AJ sooted - what can ya do? He did proceed to call me a donk for the rest of the tourney and then delight and cheer for ages when someone's 33 beat my JJ which was nice of him. I don't mind the beat, it's just rude wankers that I'm not impressed with.
I'd like to say that something importent has been taking all my time up but the sad truth is that I've been hooked on Warcraft and just can't stop playing it. I log on for 30 mins in the evening, and all of a sudden it's 3 hours later and I'm deep in a quest. I'm loving it at the moment and sadly poker has taken a step backwards, but it's probably for the best that I have a bit of a break
Beat a Poker Bot in Online Poker
9 years ago
Can't believe you are turning into a geek - Warcraft indeed. Its not real you know ;)
Good luck when you get back in the game.
alright m8, i thought u stop writing this for some reason? i'll link u up :-)
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