There are many positives regarding my last entry. In fact, I've actually been quite pleased with my game recently, I just haven't had any results to show for it yet. I think losing at cash helps me concentrate more on tournaments, I'm sure last time I felt this good playing tourneys, I was on a run of losing at NL50! Shame it's so costly, I could use a win to break even. I've been thinking more about my game and concentrating on what my expectation of hands are before making decisions and it seems to be working out in terms of placings but perhaps something else is missing to make it to the serious money. Most of my exits are beats these days so I think I need to work on getting rid of some, for example
My one cash recently was in the DTD $20 HH comp on Sunday night. I made 9th and thought I was unlucky to be knocked out. I'm in the big blind with pocket 2's. The blinds are 800/1600 plus antes (100?) and there's 4 limpers to me and I've checked. Pot is 7400. Flop 2 3 J rainbow. I check my set and it's checked round. Turn comes with a T and at this point I lead out with a 6400 bet and get one caller. The river is a 9 so I shove for my last 9k and am instacalled by KQ who's hit a straight.
I was reading Sklanskys Tournament Poker last night and this exact situation occurs in one of the hand test/examples but in a stud tourney, but the theory is the same, even down to the fact that it was a final table of a tournament. Basically, in a ring game or early stages, the check on the flop is fine, but at a final table, I've just let him in.
Anyway, I've twigged on to a couple of ideas recently and hopefully something decent is just around the corner.
In cash news, I've pretty much buggered my bankroll. I'm down $300 on Tilt for the LHE experience. That coupled with the losses in August and September make for a loss of.....God, I don't even know, probably around $1200 but to be honest, I'm too scared to work it out. I have all the figures in Holdem Manager, but I really don't want to see them at the moment. I've decimated my tournament earned bankroll playing cash and I need to get it back to where it was before I work out the true cost. For the first time in well over a year, I'm beginning to feel like money is running out to play poker with. Got a quite a few cheap tourneys left, but never been this low before and I don't like it! I must watch some Cardrunners vids in the mean time, I'm crap at this, I've paid for a year and hardly watched it, my subscription must be up soon too.
I blame the credit crunch.
Beat a Poker Bot in Online Poker
9 years ago
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