I'm 35 now and I've decided that the blog will contain no more moans. It sort of helps unwinding by posting moans but when I come to have a quick reflect over things at later dates, I realise what a miserable bastard I am and posting moans doesn't really make it better. What does make it better is calling it a night and starting afresh the next day, then if I feel I need to moan still, I may post somewhere else under a random name. Usually in the morning I realise that it's generally my fault or that I could have done something about it. Certainly the last major loss in my cash game was easily avoidable, but I was playing when tired, I shouldn't but wanted to play still. Perhaps that's a new Golden Rule - when tired and wanting to play, limit myself to $1 sng's or omaha cash.
I'm also realising that my cash game is either very bad or I do play too much when tired. I started my blonde roll on $85, made it up to $360, down again, up again and back down. Currently it's on just $130 so it's not in good shape, but I think I have to take a break from cash games before doing something radical like playing the nittiest of nits on a full ring NL100 with half a buy in or something. I can and never will play the micro stakes with any consistency so there's no point me saying that I'll grind it up from the lowest limits.
I'm also going to concentrate more on mtt's as I much prefer them. Tonight's been reasonable for me having made a final table on Laddies in the $20 $2.75k gtd for $150ish and made the money in the cheapy $4 deepstack. I'm also running fairly good , 6 from 13, in the $8.80 Stars omaha comp. I'm on the brink of making two final tables in the same night for the first time ever! MTT's are also the only game where I've ever made significant increases in my bankroll so I'm clearly meant to be playing them.
Summary - 2 Golden Rules
1. No more playing cash when tired
2. Concentrate on mtt's
Update: Finished 5th - exit hand It's a shame but still a decent result and another $110 in the account. Nice evenings work overall
Beat a Poker Bot in Online Poker
9 years ago