I'm lost for words tonight. It was bound to happen eventually and I knew it was too good to last. Tonight I was on the table of doom and there was nothing I could do about it.
To start with I was playing as you'd expect, then every raise I made, someone would reraise, like all the time, so I'd raise with AQs to $2, someone would reraise to $6 and I'd give him some respect because the stats I had he was playing very tight. Anyway, this has happened a fair bit and I'm down about $30 and finally I get a hand - AA - lovely. This is the hand. I'm not sure what to say about it. If it wasn't bad enough losing a buy in to someone that's happy to call $18 preflop with 5's, he then proceeded to give me a rub down for about half an hour on how I could call with nothing when he had three 5's. Someone pointed out that I had AA and the other guy had QQ, but he still kept on being a twat. I'm not really sure what more I could have done on this hand. I guess folding the flop was an option, but I couldn't think that he'd call $18.50 preflop with anything less than KK so it was an obvious call for me to make. Another disappointing thing about it is that that's the 5th time I've run into someone making quads with under pairs to mine since Saturday - what are the odds on that? Bloody slim I bet.
I'd managed to win a nice pot on another table with KK earlier on so I wasn't in too bad and then I did get lucky with another pair of Cowboys against AA. I had a horrible feeling that I was up against AA, but then I usually do with Kings. There seems to be a setting somewhere where if someone has kings, someone else will have aces, it happens loads. That was almost a Get out of Jail free card. I was back to even for the day and thought I'd just play a bit more then call it a night.
Wasn't much later when I'm dealt pocket 9's and call a small raise from someone. I hit trips on the flop but check first. He bets and I decide that I don't actually want to give any free draws here so put in a healthy reraise and he calls. The money goes in on the turn and it turns out he's called me on a draw which he's obviously hit. OK, perhaps calling the shove was brave, but I do give these people too much credit. Are my bets weak? Something isn't right and it's cost me a buy in and a half.
Total profit for month $25.43 BB/100 1.54 Hands 1655.
Beat a Poker Bot in Online Poker
9 years ago
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