After the disappointment of Friday night, I was a bit nervous playing on Saturday, but I needn't have worried because something shone on me and I ran God like. I hit nearly everything and people called too, it was lovely. The only time I didn't get a proper caller was when I called a small raise with pocket 4's and made quads on the flop. I think I only made about $20 on that hand but I never find it easy to get paid off with quads. I ended up making all Fridays losses back and the same again in profit so all in all it was a good night.
Tonights was back to normality though. I didn't lose any big pots, just nothing has gone my way. By the time you raise preflop, make a continuation bet on the flop and sometimes the turn (player dependent) I've put $10 in to the hand, completely missed and had to let go to a healthy river bet. This seemed to have happened a lot with me tonight so I tightened up, but still kept missing. Every time I had a good hand, I'd just pick up the blinds, or if I were the BB, they'd fold to me - I had AA 3 times and made $4. Better than losing a lot I guess.
Anyway, the bottom line is that I'm down about $30 with no significant hands to report. I did get a nice double up with KK so without that, I'm nearly $80 down.
Managed to bubble a satellite freeroll for another mini WSOP package. Not sure how it happened, but there was 11 left and I was 11th. I was UTG with A5 and somehow min raised for half my stack. Someone shoved and I couldn't really fold for the remainder unfortunately so I made the call and he had AK. Obv no miracle on the board for me and I was bubble boy after about 3 hours which was most disappointing.
Monthly totals
Hands 2641, BB/100 5.14, Profit $135.71. VPIP 14.69, PFR 7.69.
Beat a Poker Bot in Online Poker
9 years ago
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