Joined up at Cardrunners a few days ago and I have to say, I've definately learned a few things so far and until tonight, it had paid for itself. I've moved to 0.25/0.50 NL 6 max cash games and have managed to make a few quid but tonight I got a bit cocky with AJ and tried to put some guy of a $20 pot by moving in for my last $30. I had seen him checkraise before on the turn then fold to a reraise and a couple of other things that made me thing I had him but he had two pair on the flop and I lost. Next buy in went to the same guy annoyingly. I had AQs on the BB, he raised preflop to $2 with pocket 9's. Hit flush draw and top pair on the flop, he bet $5, I called. Turn brought me an ace but he checked, so I thought I'd get him and checked too. River brought a 9 but obvioulsy I didn't know he had trips at the time so I lost another $40 to him. (I only bought in for $40 for some reason)
Was going well, but I have learned two things - respect raises if you have a crappy had and also to bet each street if you are probably ahead. If I had bet the turn, I'd have won that last pot I lost.
Beat a Poker Bot in Online Poker
9 years ago
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