Managed to make 6th last night at the Western Club. I nearly went out early when I called an all in from someone with AJs and he held pocket queens. I thought he had something less than that but obviously got it wrong. Thankfully it's a double chance so I got to call for chips and from there did reasonably ok. Went to the final table pretty short stacked though and never really got an opportunity to push in. With my stack, someone would more than likely have called - there were two guys that seemed to have most of the chips between them so I tried to wait but the cards never came. Few players went for it, including the two big stacks so one person ended up with what must have been about three quarters of all the chips, and I ended up squeezing a 6th spot out of it for £74.40.
Quite pleased overall, but would have liked to get to the final table in better shape. Some people have the ability to move in with anything, sadly I'm not one of those at the moment. I guess having chips in the first place helps and I don't seem to have enough to command that respect.
One day.
Beat a Poker Bot in Online Poker
9 years ago
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