Usual visit to the Western Club was in order last night. I'm quite enjoying going down there at the moment. Made the final again but went out in 10th so only got my money back. Only had 5k in chips so when it folded to me I stuck it in with pocket 7's but ran into AK who hit on the flop. Key hand for the night was thus:
I'm in the SB for 600. We haven't seen a flop for ages, it's been two, probably 3 rounds of the table (7 handed) folds to 4th to act who just calls for 1200. Folds to me and I call the BB with KT, BB checks. Flop came 6 K Q and I've bet out 2500. BB folds and the caller preflop raises another 2500. I've got 5600 left after putting the 2.5k in and he's got about the same amount of chips as me before the raise that he stuck in. I really didn't know where I was at here. Calling preflop was strange and he had been talking about seeing a flop a couple of hands before. I ended up folding, mainly because of his call preflop and not raise so perhaps he had KQ or KJ. After I folded, I showed the hand, he paused and a couple of seconds later said we'd have split the pot.
Been thinking about this and thought it was a strange thing to say. I'm either thinking he was beating me (due to the call) or I was winning and perhaps he had QJ or maybe JT. Betting the straight draw is a possibility I suppose. Anyway, managed to get aces in the BB when I only had 1000 left and managed to double up which just got me through to the final.
I was fortunate (unfortunate) enough to have a guy that is a dealer from the Gutshot on my table at the start. It reminded me of being on Simon Nowab's table at the blonde bash but with a bit less talking! He was relentless, moving all in without looking, large raises and stuff. Managed to get lucky a bit but then lost all his chips in an equally cavalier manner. Good fun to have him on the table and he was a nice guy, certainly an experience.
Great night again, roll on next Thursday.
Beat a Poker Bot in Online Poker
9 years ago
1 comment:
Well written article.
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