Made my first final table in a live event last night! Quite pleased to say that I came 6th out of 65 runners in the £20 double chance at the Western Club. I still think I'm struggling getting chips in the middle section of the tournament though and when it comes to bubble time, I'm still short stacked and am only pushing in when I need to. I need to be making a move prior to this but I'm not sure at what point yet. The only real hand that I'm not sure about was an incident when I was in the BB (3000 of my 12000 chips) and it's folded to the button and he moves all in. He has me well covered but I'm looking at pocket 9's. He's not been overly aggressive prior to now and has folded from the button in this situation before so I'm thinking he's got something. He has shown cards before after moving all in with pocket 5's so any pocket pair is possible as is AT or better - this is the range that I think he's moving in with and not wanting to risk everything on what could be a coin flip, I folded, he showed pocket 7's. The only other moment that I regretted was when I was utg with Kd 8d and I had about 3xBB. I was so tempted to push it in with these cards, but folded for something better (I think the 9's were the next hand actually) but nearly cried as two kings appeared on the flop!
Anyway, not to worry and I made the final table, 2nd short stack but a couple of early all in's left me moving up the money and then I caught a flush to double up but was always in danger. Final hand came with Ad 8d and I pushed again (blinds of 3k/6k me on 16k) and was called by A7 and a 7 came on the turn. Not fussed about that as I certainly had my fair share of draws early on, especially when I beat pocket aces with KQ as I flopped a straight.
Fairly pleased overall and took £65 for my troubles. Could use some sleep now though, 2:30am is a bit late for a work night!
Beat a Poker Bot in Online Poker
9 years ago
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