Went to see the new James Bond film tonight - Casino Royale. Great film. The new Bond actor is excellent, a proper character suitable for the role. Bond ditches that cheesy smarmy facade that he's had and goes gritty and hard - top stuff and I can't wait for the next one.
Played some more PLHE whilst watching the cricket but the cards aren't coming and I'm down $35 so far but on a postive note, I made another W$175 playing the $5 rebuys. I was CL at one point, then I called a reraise from someone with pocket tens. He held aces and I should have known really. Anyway, that left me in the mix and it was a bit nervy at the crapshoot stage (well, it's all crapshoot) but I came through and the money was added to my W$ pile. Glad I made it as I ended up spending $25 on this and my usual amount is only $15. Was only on 3300 after the add on at the break and really I shouldn't have added on but it turned out nice.
Edit: finished at 2.30 am, was going to go to bed half an hour ago but 'one more round' on the poker table got me and eventually I hit some cards and ended up $10 up overall rather than $50 down.
Great night all in all :)
Beat a Poker Bot in Online Poker
9 years ago
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