Didn't manage any joy in the $35k guaranteed but still in the $8 mtt and doing ok
Nice hand
Not had anything for ages now, since the last break at least so that's 50 mins. It's been fold fold fold. Anyway, just gave away 14k in chips :(
Gah made a move against a short stack, only to run into AA!
Damn, what's up with pokerhand these days??
BOLLOCKS!!! Just folded AJ on the turn, A7 won it :( Just high card ace
Made the 3rd break with 20k, average is now 36k. 38 left. Really could use some hands now please Poker Gods
They listened
but not for long. Main devour of my chips came with me holding pocket tens. Someone raised 6k, 1 caller and then I called from the big blind. The flop came K 6 4 and I've bet 12k. Original raiser folds, Mateyboy moves all in for another 30kish and I folded. I think the right move would have been to fold preflop. He's obviously showed strength by just calling, then to reraise me isn't a good sign. I guess he could have had AA, KK, AK, AJ, KQ, KT. either way, I think I was behind and the only way out of it would have been to move all in preflop, but then it could have all been over. Folding was the correct move I'm pretty sure and I didn't do it.
Ended up in 25th out of 909 runners. I was in 2nd and 3rd spots for quite a while but I seem not to be able to manage a large stack. It's something I need to work on.
Beat a Poker Bot in Online Poker
9 years ago
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